- Decolonization, Cold War, and the Organization of African Unity: The creation of the African refugee regime in global perspective, manuscript in progress.
- Remembering African Labor Migration to the Second World: Socialist Mobilities between Angola, Mozambique, and East Germany, Transnational History Series. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 2023.
The Portuguese translation of the book is coming out with Imprensa de Ciências Sociais in 2023.
Special Issue
- Rethinking refuge: Processes of Refuge Seeking in Africa. Co-edited with George Njung, Africa Today, 69 no. 1-2, 2022.
Edited Volumes
- Navigating Socialist Encounters: Moorings and (Dis)Entanglements between Africa and East Germany during the Cold War. Co-edited with Eric Burton, Anne Dietrich and Immanuel Harisch, Africa in Global History Series. De Gruyter: Berlin/Boston, 2021. Open Access.
- Gradskova, Yulia. Review of Navigating Socialist Encounters: Moorings and (Dis) Entanglements between Africa and East Germany during the Cold War ed. by Eric Burton et al. Ab Imperio 2022, no. 1 (2022): 293-297. doi:10.1353/imp.2022.0024.
- Horakova, Anna. Review of Navigating Socialist Encounters: Moorings and (Dis)Entanglements Between Africa and East Germany During the Cold War ed. by Eric Burton et al.. German Studies Review 45, no. 2 (2022): 384-386. doi:10.1353/gsr.2022.0035.
- Banks, Elizabeth. “Review: Burton, Erich/ Dietrich, Anne/ Harisch, Immanuel R./ Schenck, Marcia C. (2021, Eds.): Navigating Socialist Encounters: Mooring and (Dis)Entanglements Between Africa and East Germany During the Cold War.” Stichproben. Vienna Journal of African Studies 22, no. 42 (2022): 87–89.
- Kößler, Reinhart: Eric Burton, Anne Dietrich, Immanuel R. Harisch & Marcia C. Schenck (Hg.): Navigating Socialist Encounters. Moorings and (Dis) Entanglements Between Africa and East Germany during the Cold War. Berlin & Boston, US-MA: de Gruyter Oldenbourg 2021, 399 Seiten (, PERIPHERIE – Politik • Ökonomie • Kultur, Nr. 165+166 (1-2022), S. 222-226.
- Pereira, Matheus Serva. Encontros Socialistas e Projetos Alternativos de Globalização durante a Guerra Fria. Afro-Ásia, n. 66 (2023): 704-712. doi: 10.9771/aa.v0i66.52092.
- Van der Heyden, Ulrich. Nochmals: DDR und Afrika. Indaba 114/22: 24-5.
- The Right to Research: Historical Narratives by Refugee & Global South Researchers. Co-edited with Kate Reed. Refugee and Forced Migration Studies Series. Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2023.
Book Review:
- Jamie Chai Yun Liew, Book Review—The Right to Research: Historical Narratives by Refugee and Global South Researchers, Journal of Refugee Studies, 2023.
- Socialist Solidarities and Their Afterlives: Histories and Memories of Angolan and Mozambican Migrants in the German Democratic Republic, 1975-2015.PhD Dissertation, Princeton University, September 2017.
- On Displacement and the Humanities – An Introduction, with Elena Isayev, Evan Jewell, Gerawork Teferra Gizaw, Humanities, 12, no. 4: 81, 2023, 1-19.
- A Right to Research? Commentary with Kate Reed, International Migration Journal, 61 (3), 2023, 390-393.
- Shifting the Means of (Knowledge) Production: Teaching Applied Oral History Methods in a Global Classroom, with Johanna M. Wetzel. World History Connected, 19 no. 3., 2022:1-39. Open Access.
- A different class of refugee: University scholarships and developmentalism in late 1960s Africa, Africa Today, 69 no. 1-2, 2022, pp. 134-161.
- Rethinking Refuge: Processes of Refuge Seeking in Africa: An Introduction, with George Njung, Africa Today, 69 no. 1-2. 2022, pp. 1-13.
- Liebe in Zeiten der Vertragsarbeit: Rassismus, Wissen und binationale Beziehungen in der DDR und Ostdeutschland [Love in Times of Socialist Solidarity: Racism, Knowledge and binational Relationships in East Germany], with Johanna M. Wetzel, Peripherie, Vol. 165/166 42, 2022, pp.31-55.
- Small Strangers at the School of Friendship: Memories of Mozambican School Students to the German Democratic Republic, Bulletin of the German Historical Institute Washington DC, Supplement 15, 2020, pp. 41-59. Open Access.
- Negotiating the German Democratic Republic: Angolan Student Migration during the Cold War 1976-90, Africa, Vol. 89, S1, 2019, pp. 144-166.
- A Chronology of Nostalgia: Memories of Former Angolan and Mozambican Worker Trainees to East Germany, Labor History, Vol. 59, No. 3, 2018, pp. 352-374.
- Constructing and Deconstructing the “Black East” – a helpful research agenda?, Stichproben. Wiener Zeitschrift für kritische Afrikastudien. Vol. 18, No. 34. 2018, pp. 135-152. Open Access.
- A Conversation about Global Lives in Global History: South Korean Overseas Travelers and Angolan and Mozambican Labourers in East Germany during the Cold War, Atelier, Revue électronique du Centre de recherches historiques, No. 18, 2018. Open Access.
- From Luanda and Maputo to Berlin: Uncovering Angolan and Mozambican migrants’ motives to move to the German Democratic Republic (1979-90), African Economic History, Vol. 44, 2016, pp. 202-234.
Book Chapters
- „Writing with my professors“ Contesting the boundaries of the field in the Global History Dialogues Project. With Johanna M. Wetzel and Kate Reed. In Writing Together: Kollaboratives Schreiben mit Personen aus dem Feld, Martina Blank und Sarah Nimführ (eds), Postcolonial Studies Series, transcript, pp. 31-53. Open Access.
- Preface: An Invitation. With Kate Reed. In The Right to Research: Historical Narratives by Refugee & Global South Researchers. Kate Reed, Marcia Schenck (eds.) Refugee and Forced Migration Studies Series. Montreal & Kingston, London, Chicago: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2023, pp. ix-xi.
- Introduction. With Kate Reed. In The Right to Research: Historical Narratives by Refugee & Global South Researchers. Kate Reed, Marcia Schenck (eds.) Refugee and Forced Migration Studies Series. Montreal & Kingston, London, Chicago: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2023, pp. 3-43.
- Conclusion. With Ismail Alkhateeb, Sandrine Cyzuzo Iribagiza, Aime Parfait Emerusenge, Alain Jules Hirwa, Phocas Maniraguha, Richesse Ndiritiro, Muna Omar, Kate Reed, Lazha Taha, and Gerawork Teferra. In The Right to Research: Historical Narratives by Refugee & Global South Researchers. Kate Reed, Marcia Schenck (eds.) Refugee and Forced Migration Studies Series. Montreal & Kingston, London, Chicago: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2023, pp. 237-246.
- Einwanderung aus den 'sozialistischen Bruderländern’ Erinnerungen mosambikanischer MigrantInnen an die DDR. In Hier geblieben? Brandenburg als Einwanderungsland vom Mittelalter bis heute, Matthias Asche, Thomas Brechenmacher (eds.), Potsdam University Press, 2022, pp. 225-237. Open Access.
- History Dialogues: Opportunities and Challenges of Oral History Research through Refugee Voices, Narratives, and Memories. With Mohamed Zakaria Abdalla, Richesse Ndiritiro, Shaema Omar, Kate Reed, Samson Rer, and Gerawork Teferra. In Global South Scholars in the Western Academy: Harnessing Unique Experiences, Knowledges, and Positionality in the Third Space, Staci B. Martin, Deepra Dandekar, (eds.), Behavioural Science and Education Series, Routledge, 2021, pp. 171-185.
- Introduction: Moorings and (Dis)Entanglements between Africa and East Germany during the Cold War. With Eric Burton, Immanuel Harisch, Anne Dietrich. In Navigating Socialist Encounters: Moorings and (Dis)Entanglements between Africa and East Germany during the Cold War, Eric Burton, Anne Dietrich, Immanuel Harisch, Marcia C. Schenck (eds.), de Gruyter, 2021, pp. 1-58. Open Access.
- Paths are Made by Walking Them: Memories of being a Mozambican Contract Worker in the German Democratic Republic. With Ibraimo Alberto. In Navigating Socialist Encounters: Moorings and (Dis)Entanglements between Africa and East Germany during the Cold War, Eric Burton, Anne Dietrich, Immanuel Harisch, Marcia C. Schenck (eds.), de Gruyter, 2021, pp. 247-262. Open Access.
- Socialist Encounters at the School of Friendship. With Francisca Raposo. In Navigating Socialist Encounters: Moorings and (Dis)Entanglements between Africa and East Germany during the Cold War, Eric Burton, Anne Dietrich, Immanuel Harisch, Marcia C. Schenck (eds.) de Gruyter, 2021, pp. 235-245. Open Access.
- Wandergesellen des Kalten Krieges: Arbeits- und Ausbildungsmigration von Angola und Mosambik nach Ostdeutschland und zurück. In Für Respekt und Anerkennung: Die mosambikanischen Vertragsarbeiter und das schwierige Erbe aus der DDR, B. Neumann-Becker, Hans-Joachim Döring, (eds.), Mitteldeutscher Verlag, 2020, pp. 103-114 .
- Uncomfortable Pasts: Talking about Slavery in Angola. With Mariana P. Candido. In African Heritage and Memory of Slavery in Brazil and the South Atlantic World, Ana Lucia Araujo (ed.), Cambria Press, 2015, pp. 213-252.
Book Reviews
- Schönhagen, Jakob, Geschichte der internationalen Flüchtlingspolitik 1945–1975. In: H-Soz-Kult, 6. Nov. 2024.
- Ned Richardson-Little. The Human Rights Dictatorship: Socialism, Global Solidarity and Revolution in East Germany. In: The American Historical Review, vol. 128, No. 4, 2023: pp 1924-1925.
- Sara Pugach. African students in East Germany, 1949–1975. In: History of Education, February 2023, published online.
- Jochen Lingelbach, On the Edges of Whiteness: Polish Refugees in British Colonial Africa during and after the Second World War. In: Revue d’Histoire Contemporaine de l’Afrique, Feb. 2022, online. French and Englisch. Open Access.
- Zack Kagan-Guthrie. Bound for Work: Labor, Mobility, and Colonial Rule in Central Mozambique, 1940-1965. In: Labor: Studies in Working Class History, 2021, pp. 120-121.
- Jeffrey James Byrne. Mecca of Revolution: Algeria, Decolonization, and the Third World Order. In: Connections, Oct. 20, 2018.
- Todd Cleveland: Diamonds in the Rough: Corporate Paternalism and African Professionalism on the Mines of Colonial Angola, 1917-1975. In: H-Soz-Kult, 9. Feb. 2016.
- Tanja R. Müller: Legacies of Socialist Solidarity: East Germany in Mozambique; Ulrich Van der Heyden, Wolfgang Semmler and Ralf Straßburg, (eds.): Mozambican Contract laborers in the GDR economy: Background – Course – Consequences. In: African Studies Review, Vol. 58, No. 1, 2015, pp. 247-250.
- Ute Dieckmann: Hai||om in the Etosha Region: A History of Colonial Settlement, Ethnicity and Nature Conservation. In: International Journal of African Historical Studies, Vol. 42, No. 3, 2009, pp. 492-493.
Science Communication
- Es war einmal… 35 Jahre Mauerfall [Once Upon a Time… 35 years since the fall of the wall], Portal, 2, 2024, p. 76.
- Laudatio for the Voltaire Prize Recipient 2024 Gerawork Teferra Gizaw in German and English.
- Research as conversation: Thinking “the right to research” as a dialogue across displacement, mit Ismail Alkhateeb, Irem Karabağ, und Kate Reed, Refugee History, 5. Oktober 2023.
- Nehmt endlich die Welt in den Blick! Ein Vorschlag, wie die provinziellen deutschen Geschichtswissenschaften globaler werden können. With Joël Glasman, Zeit, Die Position, September 13, 2023.
- A right to research? with Kate Reed, International Migration, vol. 61, no.3, 2023: 390-393.
- #BookClub: Remembering African Labor Migration to the Second World. Blogpost, Democracy in Africa, April 2023.
- The Right to Research: A Conversation between Emplaced and Displaced Scholars. Blogpost, Netzwerk Fluchtforschung, Marcia C. Schenck, Ismail Alkhateeb, Kate Reed und Irem Karabağ, April 2023.
- A Short History of the Mozambican Madjermanes. Contribution to:, December 2022.
- Uma Breve História dos(as) Madjermanes Moçambicanos(as). Contribution to:, December 2022.
- Border-crossing: History Dialogues between camp and campus, with Kate Reed, Refugee History, November 30, 2021.
- Afrikas vergessene Flüchtlingskonvention, Völkerrechtsblog, June 15, 2021.
- Refugees in African History, Interview for Trafo Blog for Transregional Research, March 23, 2021.
- Über Mosambikanischen Vertragsarbeiter_innen in der DDR, Interview for Radio Corax, March 20, 2021.
- „Potenzial für Krise und Innovation“ – Historikerin Marcia Schenck nutzt die Möglichkeiten digitaler Lehre, Interview for Neues aus der UP, March 2021.
- History without borders: How historians engage in humanitarian work, H-Net African Refugees Crossroads, December 7, 2020.
- Global History Dialogues Website featuring student-researchers’ work from the History Dialogues Project, went live in November 2020, continuously updated.
- Blog Series, Histories of Refuge for Africa is a Country, edited by Madina Thiam, consisting of several entries, resulting from a Workshop I organized at the Forum for Transregional Studies in Berlin in June 2019. Publication of entries 2020-21.
- Africa’s forgotten refugee convention, Africa is a Country, November 3, 2020.
- Rethinking Refuge: Processes of Refuge Seeking in Africa and Beyond, Interview, Emerging Topics. Insights from ‘Behind the Scenes’ TRAFO Blog, March 12, 2019.
- History Dialogues Trailer, Princeton Online on YouTube, Princeton University, January 2020.
- From Campus to Camp and Back, Ammodi - African Migration, Mobility, and Displacement - Blogpost, October 22, 2019.
- Geschichtswissenschaften ohne Grenzen: Wie GeschichtswissenschaftlerInnen sich im humanitären Kontext engagieren, FluchtforschungsBlog, October 3, 2019.
- Between Hammer, Machete, and Kalashnikov: Contract Labor Migration from Angola and Mozambique to East Germany, 1979-1990, Europe Now, Issue 15, March 2018.
- ‘The increasing numbers of refugees are not an aberration, they are likely to be the new norm,’ Interview with refugee expert Prof. Alexander Betts, University of Oxford, AdHoc Nefia magazine, p. 24-25, September 2016.
- Field Notes from Angola, Winner of American History Association blog contest. Blogging on AHA Today about fieldwork in summer 2015.
- A Democratic Republic of the Mind, short film about Magerman political struggle, co-written and filmed with Jack Davis in Mozambique Jan. – June 2015.
- Ostalgie in Mosambik: Erinnerungen ehemaliger mosambikanischer Vertragsarbeiter in der DDR. In: Südlink, Vol. 43, No. 172, 8. June 2015, pp.21-23.
- The End of Nelson Mandela’s Long Walk but Not of South Africa’s Path to Unity. In: Alumnae Quarterly, Mount Holyoke College, Spring 2014, p.80.
- Mandela: How South Africa Saw Him. In: The Ship, St. Anne’s College, Oxford, 2014, pp.74-76.
- Wie kommt der Reis zur Currywurst? Oder: wie Arbeitsmigration Entwicklung fördern kann. In: Internationale Politik, Jan./Feb. 2014, Special Edition Mercator Kolleg 2013, pp.63-65.
- Press inquiries answered since 2014: BBC Radio 4, Equal Times, Dummy, Bayrischer Rundfunk (Germany), OVT Radio (Netherlands)
- Remigration im Kontext Internationaler Entwicklungszusammenarbeit: Eine empirische Untersuchung der Programmkomponente Rückkehrende Fachkräfte in Indonesien, [Remigration in the context of international development cooperation: an empirical examination of the Program Returning Experts in Indonesia], CIM Paper Series (6), Centrum für Internationale Migration und Entwicklung (GIZ), May 2014.